
Refund Policy

Refund is one of the reasons that can cause the conflict between Customer and company where one side need to pay back the money of damage or lost product and other side need money in order continue business as normal so this means that the there is a big loss on both side.

According to this reasons that can cause conflict we have set some policy that is required to solve the problem vice versa


    When you want to apply refund you need the following requirement

      1. Product picture our agent given to you
      2. Where you buy that product (Invoice with real date and price much with in system)
      3. Shipping payment receipt ( the receipt given buy company)
      4. Name of Company’s Agent helps you
      5. Suppliers contact

    Then send these requirements to our e-mail “”. If your refund confirmed we send you the link through e-mail message to fill all information related to that product and the payment method that is convenient to you If your refund is not accepted we send a short message through e-mail that explains you why your application is denied (not accepted). If you are not satisfied with more explanation you can contact the following number (+8613185169351, +250785548206)


    To pay back money on your account takes 21 days after the confirmation of refund, this means from the day company accept your request and agree to pay back that money

    • When you have bought wrong product to your client
      • When the product can be repair after damage
      • We do not give you a refund when the product can be repaired. What we do is to pay all expenses that will cost you during repairing that product
      • When your product come with expired date Some product can easily damage because the life expectation expired, this is a case where expired goods no longer have ability to face with environmental condition.
      • When give you a refund on electronic things like phone, computer, camera … that have internal problem or system problem (system error). This is because we are not technician that can check the problem inside the electronic goods.

N.B During package registration please make sure that you have registered real price that much with invoice from supplier or any seller, at this point you have to be attention because when you product lost or damaged we give you a refund according to the money you have registered in our system so do not make mistake to register wrong information